Hello,👋 I'm a designer based in beautiful Dallas.

I help businesses obtain brand advantage by designing products with the best possible digital experience. You can checkout some of my previous work below.

UI Design

Revamped brand strategy, visual identity, style guide, and digital assets to enhance market presence.

  • › Research
  • › Visual Identity
  • › UI
  • › Brand Style
case study 1

UI Design

Designed a secure, user-friendly investing platform for both novice and experienced investors.

  • › Market Research
  • › Prototype
  • › UI/UX
  • › Usability Testing
case study 2

Visual Design

Integrated aesthetics and functionality to improve user experience and achieve business objectives.

  • › Research
  • › Wireframe
  • › Visual Design
  • › Usability Testing
case study 3


Let's get to know each other.

I'm Erika Rubio, a visual designer currently based in Texas, my multidisciplinary skills integrate with creative knowledge, technicality and business.

I blend design and communication to craft digital solutions that resonate with people. My passion for digital marketing, design, and human connection inspired me to pursue an Associates in Graphic Design and further my education with a professional certification in Mobile Applicaton and Design Development from Southern Methodist University.

Throughout my journey, I’ve consistently reflected on how I, as a designer, can deliver real value. Whether it involves diving into strategy, honing my writing skills, conducting research, testing ideas, or exploring content design, I am committed to a constant evolution. I genuinely ❤️ every step of this process.

A few brands I've worked with.



I'm passionate about my craft.

Get in touch ✉️ if you want to work together on graphic, icon design, user experience, product strategy. erika(at)erikarubio.com